Inside the HD24 The HD24 is powered by a Motorola Coldfire MCF5206EFT54 K36J QAJ0435) The Ethernet chip is a CrystalLan CS8900A-CQ3, a 10Base-T LAN chip. There is an empty, 26 pin port labelled 'Motorola BDM Port'. Motorola BDM stands for Motorola Background Debug Module, so we might speculate that this port allows us to perform debugging on the HD24 as it is running. There are to IC41LV16256 chips in the HD24: according to the data sheets, they are 256kx16 bit Dynamic RAM with EDO page mode, giving the HD24 a total of 1 megabyte of RAM. There is an ALTERA ACEX EP1K30QC208-2 FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array). There is a Texas Instruments AHCT16541 AHCT16541 devices are noninverting 16-bit buffers composed of two 8-bit sections with separate output-enable signals. (possibly used for communication to displays?) Analog Devices ADSP 21065L KS-264 A digital signal processor.