EXTIF=eth1 # External interface INTIF=eth0 # Internal interface # Loop device/localhost LPDIF=lo LPDIP= LPDMSK= LPDNET="$LPDIP/$LPDMSK" # Defining some common chat clients. Remove these from your accepted list for better security. # ICQ and AOL are 5190 # MSN is 1863 # Y! is 5050 # Jabber is 5222 # Y! and Jabber ports not added by author and therefore left out of the script IRC='ircd' MSN=1863 ICQ=5190 YIM=5050 AIM=5190 NFS='sunrpc' PORTAGE='rsync' OpenPGP_HTTP_Keyserver=11371 # All services ports are read from /etc/services TCPSERV="domain ssh http https ftp ftp-data mail pop3 pop3s time $PORTAGE $YIM $AIM" UDPSERV="domain time" INPORTS="ssh http" # COMmon ports: # 0 is tcpmux; SGI had vulnerability, 1 is common attack # 13 is daytime # 98 is Linuxconf # 111 is sunrpc (portmap) # 137:139, 445 is Microsoft # SNMP: 161,2 # Squid flotilla: 3128, 8000, 8008, 8080 # 1214 is Morpheus or KaZaA # 2049 is NFS # 3049 is very virulent Linux Trojan, mistakable for NFS # Common attacks: 1999, 4329, 6346 # Common Trojans 12345 65535 COMBLOCK="0:1 13 98 111 113 137:139 161:162 445 1214 1999 2049 3049 4329 6346 3128 8000 8008 8080 12345 65535" # TCP ports: # 98 is Linuxconf # 512-515 is rexec, rlogin, rsh, printer(lpd) # [very serious vulnerabilities; attacks continue daily] # 1080 is Socks proxy server # 6000 is X (NOTE X over SSH is secure and runs on TCP 22) # Block 6112 (Sun's/HP's CDE) TCPBLOCK="$COMBLOCK 98 512:515 1080 3330 1128 3054 6000:6009 6112" # UDP ports: # 161:162 is SNMP # 520 is RIP # 9000 is Sangoma # 517:518 are talk and ntalk (more annoying than anything) UDPBLOCK="$COMBLOCK 161:162 520 123 517:518 1427 9000"