# # Material Experience - .htaccess File # # EYEMG - Interactive Media Group # Created by Mike Crute (mcrute@eyemg.com) # Updated by Mike Crute (mcrute@eyemg.com) on 9/26/07 # # Workarounds for missing mod_gzip and caching. This file # is pre-processed before the site goes into production # since we don't really gzip anything in development. # # WARNING!: Seconds of code marked with ### PRODUCTION### # are blocks un-commented by the build system, you can # add or remove them just be careful what you ask for. # # Cache Control Headers ### PRODUCTION ### #ExpiresActive on #ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 week" ### END PRODUCTION ### # Disable the ETag Header (per YSlow) # # I know that this probably doesn't mean anything for us # because we don't serve AES with a cluster but just for # the sake of getting straight As in YSlow we'll remove # them. FileEtag none ### PRODUCTION ### # # Header set Content-Encoding "gzip" # # # Header set Content-Encoding "gzip" # ### END PRODUCTION ### Header set Content-Type "text/html;charset=utf-8" ### PRODUCTION ### # Header set Content-Encoding "gzip" ### END PRODUCTION ###