'/tmp/persistent/vimcache/' ); $cache = new Cache_Lite_Output($options); $page_title = "welcome home"; $page_sid = "sid_index.php"; // $page_foot = "foot_index.php"; // $page_foot_top = "foot_top_index.php"; // $page_stat_counter = "yes"; $page_atomfeed = "http://feed43.com/vim-scripts.xml"; include("header.php"); ?>

Sourceforge Project Database Problems

[] Sourceforge is currently experiencing sporadic problems with their project database and web server. This means news, scripts and tips are currently unavailable. Thank you for your patience. (Scott Johnston)
Another way to get to the scripts is through git on github.

  News  Vim is the current version 
setLifeTime(999999); } else { $cache->setLifeTime(3600); } if (!$cache->start('news')) { $news = getRecentNewsItems(3); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($news); $i++) { $news_data = $news[$i]; ?>

[] ( )

end(); } ?>
more news... Show you like Vim: get a T-shirt from FreeWear Get a Vim poster
setLifeTime(999999); } else { $cache->setLifeTime(600); } if (!$cache->start('recentScripts')) { ?>
  Recent Script Updates   scripts, downloads 
[]  "> :
() -
more recent | most downloaded | top rated
end(); } ?>
  Vim Tips
The tips are located on the Vim Tips wiki. This is a platform to exchange tips and tricks from and for Vim users.

  Vim Patches
A list of patches available for Vim can be found on the vim_dev maillist pages. These add new or improved features, at the cost of having to rebuild Vim.