The Vim Mercurial repository

Vim is now also available through Mercurial. This usually works better than CVS and Subversion.

You can obtain Vim for the first time with:

hg clone vim
And update to the latest version with:
hg pull
hg update

If you don't know how to use Mercurial, you'll probably want to look at the Guide.

Browsing the Vim sources

You can browse the Mercurial repository online. This shows the most recent version of the files, including runtime files.

Note that besides the "default" branch there are others. The "vim73" branch was for 7.3 test versions. You probably want to switch to the "default" branch to get 7.3.001 and later, like this:

hg update default
The "vim72" branch is for the older versions. No further changes are expected here.

If you have local changes you may need to merge. If you are sure you can discard local changes (e.g. if you were just trying a patch),you can use:

hg update -C