package aws import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/url" "strconv" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // defaultRegion is the region where AWS currently has may authoritative // service like IAM and ancillary auth services. var defaultRegion = aws.String("us-east-1") type Region struct { Name string Enabled bool } // AWSClient is a client for working with the AWS APIs. // // Instances of AWSClient are safe for concurrent access. type AWSClient interface { AssumeRole(string, *string) (*sts.Credentials, error) GetFederationURL(string, string) (string, error) GetRegionList() ([]*Region, error) } type client struct { Credentials credentials.Value ARN string ConsoleSessionDurationSecs int64 } var _ AWSClient = (*client)(nil) // NewAWSClientFromAccount returns a new AWSClient based on an account. // // An account is actually more accurately called an assumable role. Each // account contains a vault material set path which is used to fetch all of the // credentials for that AWS account and is filtered to one assumable role ARN // which is used as the scope for this AWS client. Thus even if an account has // multiple roles there must be one instance of the AWS client per account/role // pair. func NewAWSClientFromAccount(ctx context.Context, a *models.Account, sc secrets.Client) (AWSClient, error) { u, _, err := sc.AWSIAMUser(ctx, a.AdminVaultMaterial) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &client{ Credentials: credentials.Value{ AccessKeyID: u.AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey: u.SecretAccessKey, }, ARN: a.AssumedRoleARN, ConsoleSessionDurationSecs: a.ConsoleSessionDurationSecs(), }, nil } // AssumeRole uses an IAM user credential with higher privilege to assume a // role in an AWS account and region. It returns the STS credentials. // // Not all credentials work for all regions. For newer regions and opt-in // regions AWS has been siloing assumed role credentials to that region so it's // important to use the correct regional endpoint to fetch the credentials. // // Note that this is not simply a passthrough to Vault's AWS backend // because the Vault backend will only call AssumeRole within the region // of the root account configured in Vault and clients of this method // need to be able to make the correct calls in the region of their // choice. func (a *client) AssumeRole(user string, region *string) (*sts.Credentials, error) { if region != nil && *region == "global" { region = nil } s, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{ Config: aws.Config{ Region: region, Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentialsFromCreds(a.Credentials), }, SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigDisable, }) if err != nil { return nil, err } result, err := sts.New(s).AssumeRole(&sts.AssumeRoleInput{ RoleArn: aws.String(a.ARN), RoleSessionName: aws.String(user), DurationSeconds: aws.Int64(a.ConsoleSessionDurationSecs), }) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("AWS AssumeRole Error: %s\n", err.(awserr.Error).Message()) return nil, err } return result.Credentials, nil } // GetRegionList returns all of the EC2 regions that are enabled for an // account. // // All regions should return the same answer to this query so just send it to // the default region. func (a *client) GetRegionList() ([]*Region, error) { r, err := a.AssumeRole("region-list", defaultRegion) if err != nil { return nil, err } s, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{ Config: aws.Config{ Region: defaultRegion, Credentials: credentials.NewStaticCredentials( *r.AccessKeyId, *r.SecretAccessKey, *r.SessionToken, ), }, SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigDisable, }) if err != nil { return nil, err } ro, err := ec2.New(s).DescribeRegions(&ec2.DescribeRegionsInput{ AllRegions: aws.Bool(true), }) if err != nil { return nil, err } out := []*Region{} for _, r := range ro.Regions { out = append(out, &Region{ Name: *r.RegionName, Enabled: (*r.OptInStatus != "not-opted-in"), }) } return out, nil } // GetFederationURL assumes a role and returns a URL that can be used to login // to the AWS console for that role. // // This URL can be used for any region but the endpoints to return the URL only // work in us-east-1. func (a *client) GetFederationURL(user string, issuerEndpoint string) (string, error) { r, err := a.AssumeRole(user, defaultRegion) if err != nil { return "", err } sp, _ := json.Marshal(map[string]string{ "sessionId": *r.AccessKeyId, "sessionKey": *r.SecretAccessKey, "sessionToken": *r.SessionToken, }) client := &http.Client{} fedResp, err := client.Do(&http.Request{ Method: http.MethodGet, URL: &url.URL{ Scheme: "https", Host: "", Path: "/federation", RawQuery: url.Values{ "Action": []string{"getSigninToken"}, "Session": []string{string(sp)}, "SessionDuration": []string{strconv.FormatInt(a.ConsoleSessionDurationSecs, 10)}, }.Encode(), }, }) if err != nil { return "", err } if fedResp.StatusCode != 200 { return "", fmt.Errorf("federation endpoint returned HTTP %d", fedResp.StatusCode) } body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(fedResp.Body) if err != nil { return "", err } var fedData map[string]string if err = json.Unmarshal(body, &fedData); err != nil { return "", err } u, _ := url.Parse("") u.RawQuery = url.Values{ "Action": []string{"login"}, "Issuer": []string{issuerEndpoint}, "Destination": []string{""}, "SigninToken": []string{fedData["SigninToken"]}, }.Encode() return u.String(), nil }