#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 """ Wiki API and Editor by Mike Crute (mcrute@gmail.com) licensed under the terms of the MIT license This module contains a full API for MoinMoin as well as a shim to download pages, present them in vim and upload the changes. Great care has been taken to ensure that this script relies only on the python standard library and that it is compatible with both Python 2.7+ and Python 3.0+ This module is usually never on the pythonpath for a system but can be loaded into other python scripts for use by copying this function into their code. def get_wiki(path): import imp, os.path return imp.load_module('wiki', open(os.path.expanduser(path)), path, [s for s in imp.get_suffixes() if s[0] == '.py'][0]) To get a programatic handle to the API create a class like this which will parse the file pointed to by the WIKI_VIMRC environment variable, or the default value of ~/.wikivimrc, and use the login info from the [wiki_name] key. >>> wiki = get_wiki('~/bin/viwiki') >>> api = wiki.WikiAPI(*wiki.get_credentials('wiki_name')) The format of the ~/.wikivimrc file is: [wikiname] host = https://example.com/ username = foobear password = secret The API supports attachment handling but a separate program called wikiattach is used for managing attachments from the command line. Alternate wiki APIs are supported through the configuration file. Alternate APIs must provide the WikiAPI interface including a constructor. To configure an alternate API add the api key to the wiki configuration with the format class:path (variables and ~ are expanded). For example: [yourwiki] api = YourWikiAPI:$HOME/bin/path/to/api.py """ import re import os import imp import sys import stat import os.path import tempfile import subprocess from codecs import open from optparse import OptionParser try: from cStringIO import StringIO as BytesIO from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy, MultiCall, Fault, Binary except ImportError: from io import BytesIO from configparser import SafeConfigParser from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy, MultiCall, Fault, Binary def expand_path(path): """Expand user and environment variables in a path """ return os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(path)) def get_wiki_config(wiki_name=None): """Parses wiki config file and provides config dictionary Parses the ~/.wikivimrc file and returns a dictionary of config values for the named wiki. If no wiki_name is passed the function will use the first wiki defined in the file. """ config = SafeConfigParser() config.read(expand_path(os.environ.get("WIKI_VIMRC", "~/.wikivimrc"))) section = wiki_name if wiki_name else config.sections()[0] return dict( (key, config.get(section, key)) for key in config.options(section)) def get_wiki_api(wiki_name=None): """Parses wiki config file and provides wiki API class Parses the config file and looks for an `api` key in the wiki config. If that is specified it must contain a string of wiki class name, colon, path to wiki class file per the example below. That class will be imported and returned, otherwise the default MoinMoin wiki API is returned. """ config = get_wiki_config(wiki_name) api = config.get("api", "WikiAPI").split(":") if len(api) == 2: module = imp.load_module( 'wiki_api', open(expand_path(api[1])), api[1], [s for s in imp.get_suffixes() if s[0] == '.py'][0]) return getattr(module, api[0]) else: return globals()[api[0]] def get_credentials(wiki_name=None): """Parses wiki config file and provides credentials tuple Parses the ~/.wikivimrc file and returns a credentials tuple suitable for unpacking directly into to the WikiAPI constructor. If no wiki_name is passed the function will use the first wiki defined in the file. """ config = get_wiki_config(wiki_name) return (config["host"], config.get("username"), config.get("password")) class WikiAPI(object): """Low Level Wiki API This class wraps the low level XMLRPC wiki interface and exposes higher level methods that do specific tasks in a little bit more python friendly way. This assumes a private wiki and requires credentials. """ DEFAULT_FORMAT = "moin" def __init__(self, host, username, password): self.wiki = ServerProxy("{0}?action=xmlrpc2".format(host)) self.token = self.wiki.getAuthToken(username, password) def __call__(self, method, *args): proxy = MultiCall(self.wiki) proxy.applyAuthToken(self.token) getattr(proxy, method)(*args) results = tuple(proxy()) if results[0] != "SUCCESS": raise Exception("Authentication failed!") return results[1] def page_format(self, page, contents): """Determine file format of a page """ format = re.findall("#format (.*)", contents) format = format[0] if len(format) else self.DEFAULT_FORMAT return self.DEFAULT_FORMAT if format == "wiki" else format def search(self, term): # http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.9/file/tip/MoinMoin/xmlrpc/__init__.py#l683 return [page[0] for page in self("searchPagesEx", term, "text", 0, False, 0, False)] def get_page(self, page_name): try: return self("getPage", page_name) except Fault as error: if error.faultString == "No such page was found.": return "" def put_page(self, page_name, contents): try: return self("putPage", page_name, contents.encode("utf-8")) except Fault as error: print(error) return False def list_attachments(self, page_name): return self("listAttachments", page_name) def get_attachment(self, page_name, attachment): return BytesIO(self("getAttachment", page_name, attachment).data) def put_attachment(self, page_name, name, contents): data = Binary(contents.read()) self("putAttachment", page_name, name, data) def delete_attachment(self, page_name, attachment): self("deleteAttachment", page_name, attachment) class WikiEditor(object): """Wiki Page Command Line Editor This class handles editing and updating wiki pages based on arguments passed on the command line. It requires a connected WikiAPI instance to do its dirty work. """ DEFAULT_CFG = "{editor} {filename}" EDITOR_CFG = { "vim": "{editor} -c ':set wrap spell ft={format}' {filename}", } def __init__(self, wiki_api, editor=None): self.api = wiki_api self.editor_name = editor or os.environ.get("EDITOR", "vim") self.editor = self.EDITOR_CFG.get(self.editor_name, self.DEFAULT_CFG) @staticmethod def _get_tempfile(): _, filename = tempfile.mkstemp() return filename, open(filename, "w", "utf-8") @staticmethod def _file_last_updated(filename): return os.stat(filename).st_mtime def download_page(self, page): page_contents = self.api.get_page(page) filename, open_file = self._get_tempfile() format = self.api.page_format(page, page_contents) with open_file as fh: fh.write(page_contents) return filename, format def upload_page(self, page, filename, timestamp): updated_last = self._file_last_updated(filename) if timestamp == updated_last: print("Nothing changed") return with open(filename, "r", "utf-8") as fh: contents = fh.read() try: if not self.api.put_page(page, contents): raise Exception("failed to write page") except: print("Failed to save page.") print("Contents exist in {!r}".format(filename)) return finally: del contents os.unlink(filename) def edit_page(self, page): filename, format = self.download_page(page) updated_first = self._file_last_updated(filename) subprocess.call( self.editor.format( editor=self.editor_name, format=format, filename=filename), shell=True) self.upload_page(page, filename, updated_first) class NonInteractiveEditor(WikiEditor): """Non-Interactive Wiki Page Editor This class handles editing and updating wiki pages based on arguments passed on the command line. It requires a connected WikiAPI instance to do its dirty work. """ @staticmethod def get_input(arg=None): # cat foo.txt | viwiki PageName # viwiki PageName < foo.txt if (stat.S_IFMT(os.fstat(sys.stdin.fileno()).st_mode) in (stat.S_IFREG, stat.S_IFIFO)): if hasattr(sys.stdin, 'buffer'): return sys.stdin.buffer else: return sys.stdin if not arg: return None # viwiki PageName <(cat foo.txt) # viwiki PageName /path/to/foo.txt if os.path.exists(arg): return open(arg, 'rb') def edit_page(self, args): input = self.get_input(args[1] if len(args) == 2 else None) if input: self.api.put_page(args[0], input.read().decode("utf-8")) else: sys.stdout.write(self.api.get_page(args[0]).encode("utf-8")) sys.stdout.flush() def main(default_wiki=None): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-n", "--non-interactive", dest="interactive", help="Don't start vim", action="store_false", default=True) parser.add_option("-w", "--wiki", dest="wiki", default=default_wiki, help="Wiki config to use") options, args = parser.parse_args() api_class = get_wiki_api(options.wiki) api = api_class(*get_credentials(options.wiki)) if len(args) == 0: print("usage: viwiki ") return 1 if options.interactive: WikiEditor(api).edit_page(args[0]) else: NonInteractiveEditor(api).edit_page(args) if __name__ == "__main__": main()