# Contributor: Jakub Jirutka # Maintainer: Jakub Jirutka pkgname=ruby-mathematical _gemname=${pkgname#ruby-} pkgver=1.6.13 pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="Convert mathematical equations to SVGs, PNGs, or MathML" url="https://www.gjtorikian.com/mathematical/" arch="all !armhf !aarch64 !armv7 !mips !mips64 !ppc64le !s390x !x86" # Limited by lasem and ruby-enum license="MIT" depends="ruby ruby-enum" makedepends="cmake lasem-dev mtex2mml-dev ruby-dev" checkdepends="mtex2mml-fixtures ruby-io-console ruby-irb ruby-json ruby-minitest ruby-nokogiri ruby-rake" options="!check" # TODO: tests fails with ruby 2.7. source="$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://github.com/gjtorikian/$_gemname/archive/v$pkgver.tar.gz use-system-mtex2mml-fixtures.patch" builddir="$srcdir/$_gemname-$pkgver" prepare() { default_prepare # Don't load bundler, it messes with GEM_PATH. sed -i "/^require\s*[\"']bundler\/setup/d" test/test_helper.rb # Some tests in this file are unstable (randomly fails). # https://github.com/gjtorikian/mathematical/issues/73 rm test/mathematical/delimiters_test.rb } build() { gem build $_gemname.gemspec gem install --local \ --install-dir dist \ --ignore-dependencies \ --no-document \ --verbose \ $_gemname -- \ --use-system-lasem \ --use-system-mtex2MML } check() { local dev_deps # Install missing development dependencies needed and used only for running # tests. We can't install them easily with bundler, because there's # no way how to force it to NOT update already satisifed dependencies. # We can't install them directly with gem either, because there's no # way how to force it to instally only dependencies, not the gem itself. dev_deps=$(gem install --explain --development --minimal-deps $_gemname-$pkgver.gem \ | head -n -1 | sed -En 's/-([^-]+)$/:\1/p') gem install --instal-dir=.gem --conservative $dev_deps GEM_PATH='dist:.gem' ruby -S rake test } package() { local gemdir="$pkgdir/$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.default_dir')" cd "$builddir"/dist mkdir -p "$gemdir" cp -r extensions gems specifications "$gemdir"/ # Remove unnecessary files and rubbish... find "$gemdir"/extensions/ -name mkmf.log -delete cd "$gemdir"/gems/$_gemname-$pkgver rm -rf -- ext/ test/ Rakefile *.md *.txt } sha512sums="16ec5e4da958e0851237fc3d1f1b26e82e14e0ce48a3955eed0e8630d9781652b192559667448a44662c94ac5844658cba39712b734a90c30bb51098ed2bf39c ruby-mathematical-1.6.13.tar.gz 35c691b2006e6c0bac26ebb0adac5ffa99fbc37100c94d5978508b91b3df84544e4fc8fa38b5de01ae0fcc644c1eeb97b6129f59b4488b467c1ded468277c400 use-system-mtex2mml-fixtures.patch"