# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Exchange Commands @author: Mike Crute (mcrute@gmail.com) @date: November 10, 2008 This is a set of classes that starts to define a set of classes for fetching data using Exchange's WebDAV API. This is still pretty development code but it does the trick. Watch out, it doesn't consider many corner cases. $Id$ """ import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree from httplib import HTTPSConnection from string import Template from datetime import datetime, timedelta import dateutil.parser from icalendar import Calendar, Event, Alarm from exchange import ExchangeException class ExchangeCommand(object): """ Base class for Exchange commands. This really shouldn't be constructed directly but should be subclassed to do useful things. """ #: Base URL for Exchange commands. BASE_URL = Template("/exchange/${username}/${method}") #: Basic headers that are required for all requests BASE_HEADERS = { "Content-Type": 'text/xml; charset="UTF-8"', "Depth": "0", "Translate": "f", } def __init__(self, server, authenticator=None): self.server = server self.authenticator = authenticator def _get_xml(self, **kwargs): """ Try to get an XML response from the server. @return: ElementTree response """ if not self.authenticator.authenticated: raise ExchangeException("Not authenticated. Call authenticate() first.") # Lets forcibly override the username with the user we're querying as kwargs["username"] = self.authenticator.username xml = self._get_query(**kwargs) url = self.BASE_URL.substitute({ "username": self.authenticator.username, "method": self.exchange_method }) query = Template(xml).substitute(kwargs) send_headers = self.authenticator.patch_headers(self.BASE_HEADERS) conn = HTTPSConnection(self.server) conn.request(self.dav_method.upper(), url, query, headers=send_headers) resp = conn.getresponse() # TODO: Lets determine authentication errors here and fix them. if int(resp.status) > 299 or int(resp.status) < 200: raise ExchangeException("%s %s" % (resp.status, resp.reason)) return etree.fromstring(resp.read()) def _get_query(self, **kwargs): """ Build up the XML query for the server. Mostly just does a lot of template substitutions, also does a little bit of elementtree magic to to build the XML query. """ declaration = etree.ProcessingInstruction("xml", 'version="1.0"') request = etree.Element("g:searchrequest", { "xmlns:g": "DAV:" }) query = etree.SubElement(request, "g:sql") query.text = Template(self.sql).substitute(kwargs) output = etree.tostring(declaration) output += etree.tostring(request) return output class FetchCalendar(ExchangeCommand): exchange_method = "calendar" dav_method = "search" sql = """ SELECT "urn:schemas:calendar:location" AS location, "urn:schemas:httpmail:normalizedsubject" AS subject, "urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart" AS start_date, "urn:schemas:calendar:dtend" AS end_date, "urn:schemas:calendar:busystatus" AS busy_status, "urn:schemas:calendar:instancetype" AS instance_type, "urn:schemas:calendar:timezone" AS timezone_info, "urn:schemas:httpmail:textdescription" AS description FROM Scope('SHALLOW TRAVERSAL OF "/exchange/${username}/calendar/"') WHERE NOT "urn:schemas:calendar:instancetype" = 1 AND "DAV:contentclass" = 'urn:content-classes:appointment' ORDER BY "urn:schemas:calendar:dtstart" ASC """ def execute(self, alarms=True, alarm_offset=15, **kwargs): exchange_xml = self._get_xml(**kwargs) calendar = Calendar() for item in exchange_xml.getchildren(): item = item.find("{DAV:}propstat").find("{DAV:}prop") event = Event() # These tests may look funny but the result of item.find # does NOT evaluate to true even though it is not None # so, we have to check the interface of the returned item # to make sure its usable. subject = item.find("subject") if hasattr(subject, "text"): event.add("summary", subject.text) location = item.find("location") if hasattr(location, "text"): event.add("location", location.text) description = item.find("description") if hasattr(description, "text"): event.add("description", description.text) # Dates should always exist start_date = dateutil.parser.parse(item.find("start_date").text) event.add("dtstart", start_date) end_date = dateutil.parser.parse(item.find("end_date").text) event.add("dtend", end_date) if item.get("timezone_info"): """This comes back from Exchange as already formatted ical data. We probably need to parse and re-construct it unless the icalendar api lets us just dump it out. """ pass if alarms and start_date > datetime.now(tz=EST()): alarm = Alarm() alarm.add("action", "DISPLAY") alarm.add("description", "REMINDER") alarm.add("trigger", timedelta(minutes=alarm_offset)) event.add_component(alarm) calendar.add_component(event) return calendar