package main import ( "bytes" "crypto/hmac" "crypto/sha256" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "net" "net/http" "os" "os/user" "strconv" "time" "" "" "" "" "" jww "" ) var ( DEFAULT_VALUES map[string]*string ) const ( METADATA_FILE = "/etc/mmds/bootstrap-cred.json" ) type FileLike interface { io.Reader io.Writer io.Seeker Truncate(int64) error } func init() { DEFAULT_VALUES = map[string]*string{ "domain": StringPtr(""), "partition": StringPtr("aws"), "ami-launch-index": StringPtr("0"), "ami-manifest-path": StringPtr("(unknown)"), "instance-action": StringPtr("none"), "profile": StringPtr("default-hvm"), "security-groups": StringPtr("default"), } } func StringPtr(v string) *string { return &v } type appContext struct { PrivateIP *net.IP Region *string MacAddr *net.HardwareAddr AvailabilityZone *string Hostname *string InstanceId *string InstanceType *string AccountId *int64 ImageId *string ReservationId *string InstanceProfileId *string RoleARN *string BootstrapSecret *string CredentialHandler CredentialHandler CredentialFile FileLike } func (c *appContext) FormatAZ() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", *c.Region, *c.AvailabilityZone) } func GetKeyHandler(content map[string]*string, key string) http.Handler { return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Write([]byte(*content[key])) }) } func AvailabilityZoneHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := getAppCtx(r) fmt.Fprintf(w, ctx.FormatAZ()) } func IAMCredentialHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := getAppCtx(r) vars := mux.Vars(r) name, err := parseRoleName(*ctx.RoleARN) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Printf("Error parsing role name in IAMCredentialHandler: %s", err) http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } if vars["profile"] != name { http.NotFound(w, r) return } writeHTTPJson(w, <-ctx.CredentialHandler.Output(), "IAMCredentialHandler") } func StatusHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := getAppCtx(r) writeHTTPJson(w, ctx.CredentialHandler.InGoodState(), "IAMCredentialHandler") } type bootstrapInput struct { AccessKeyId string SecretAccessKey string Token string Signature string } func validateSignature(r *bootstrapInput, key *string) bool { buf := bytes.Buffer{} // Alphabetical order matters here buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("AccessKeyId%s", r.AccessKeyId)) buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("SecretAccessKey%s", r.SecretAccessKey)) // Only hash token if it was presented if r.Token != "" { buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("Token%s", r.Token)) } mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(*key)) mac.Write(buf.Bytes()) expected := mac.Sum(nil) sig, err := hex.DecodeString(r.Signature) if err != nil { return false } return hmac.Equal(expected, sig) } func BootstrapCredentialHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := getAppCtx(r) d := json.NewDecoder(r.Body) var cred bootstrapInput err := d.Decode(&cred) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Printf("Error decoding bootstrap JSON: %s", err) http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } if !validateSignature(&cred, ctx.BootstrapSecret) { jww.ERROR.Printf("Invalid signature for bootstrapping credentials") http.Error(w, "Not allowed", http.StatusForbidden) return } creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(cred.AccessKeyId, cred.SecretAccessKey, cred.Token) ctx.CredentialHandler.SetBootstrapCredential(creds) jd, err := json.MarshalIndent(cred, "", " ") if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Printf("Unable to marshal credential for writing to file") http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) return } // Truncate credential file and update with new credentials // TODO: Should validate the the credentials worked first ctx.CredentialFile.Seek(0, 0) ctx.CredentialFile.Truncate(0) ctx.CredentialFile.Write(jd) } func IAMInfoHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := getAppCtx(r) p := &ec2metadata.EC2IAMInfo{ Code: "Success", LastUpdated: time.Now().UTC().Round(time.Second), InstanceProfileArn: *ctx.RoleARN, InstanceProfileID: *ctx.InstanceProfileId, } writeHTTPJson(w, p, "IAMInfoHandler") } func InstanceProfileListHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := getAppCtx(r) if !ctx.CredentialHandler.InGoodState() { jww.ERROR.Printf("Credential handler in a bad state") fmt.Fprintf(w, "") return } name, err := parseRoleName(*ctx.RoleARN) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Printf("Error parsing role name in InstanceProfileListHandler: %s", err) http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError) } fmt.Fprintf(w, name) } func IdentityDocumentHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { ctx := getAppCtx(r) id := &ec2metadata.EC2InstanceIdentityDocument{ PrivateIP: ctx.PrivateIP.String(), DevpayProductCodes: nil, AvailabilityZone: ctx.FormatAZ(), Version: "2010-08-31", InstanceID: *ctx.InstanceId, BillingProducts: nil, InstanceType: *ctx.InstanceType, ImageID: *ctx.ImageId, AccountID: strconv.FormatInt(*ctx.AccountId, 10), Architecture: "x86_64", KernelID: "", RamdiskID: "", PendingTime: time.Now().Round(time.Second), Region: *ctx.Region, } writeHTTPJson(w, id, "IdentityDocumentHandler") } func buildMetadataHandler(ctx *appContext, defaults map[string]*string) http.Handler { r := mux.NewRouter() // Static Data Handlers r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/services/domain", GetKeyHandler(defaults, "domain")) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/services/partition", GetKeyHandler(defaults, "partition")) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/ami-launch-index", GetKeyHandler(defaults, "ami-launch-index")) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/ami-manifest-path", GetKeyHandler(defaults, "ami-manifest-path")) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/instance-action", GetKeyHandler(defaults, "instance-action")) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/profile", GetKeyHandler(defaults, "profile")) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/security-groups", GetKeyHandler(defaults, "security-groups")) // Machine-specific Pseudo-static Handlers r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/mac", ContextPrintingHandler{ctx, "MacAddr"}) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/hostname", ContextPrintingHandler{ctx, "Hostname"}) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/local-hostname", ContextPrintingHandler{ctx, "Hostname"}) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/local-ipv4", ContextPrintingHandler{ctx, "PrivateIP"}) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/instance-id", ContextPrintingHandler{ctx, "InstanceId"}) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/instance-type", ContextPrintingHandler{ctx, "InstanceType"}) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/ami-id", ContextPrintingHandler{ctx, "ImageId"}) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/reservation-id", ContextPrintingHandler{ctx, "ReservationId"}) // Context-specific Handlers r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/placement/availability-zone", ContextAwareHandler{ctx, AvailabilityZoneHandler}) r.Handle("/latest/dynamic/instance-identity/document", ContextAwareHandler{ctx, IdentityDocumentHandler}) // IAM Credential Handlers r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/iam/info", ContextAwareHandler{ctx, IAMInfoHandler}) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/", ContextAwareHandler{ctx, InstanceProfileListHandler}) r.Handle("/latest/meta-data/iam/security-credentials/{profile}", ContextAwareHandler{ctx, IAMCredentialHandler}) return handlers.LoggingHandler(os.Stdout, SecurityHandler{r}) } func buildAdminHandler(ctx *appContext) http.Handler { r := mux.NewRouter() r.Handle("/bootstrap/creds", ContextAwareHandler{ctx, BootstrapCredentialHandler}).Methods("POST") r.Handle("/status", ContextAwareHandler{ctx, StatusHandler}).Methods("GET") return handlers.LoggingHandler(os.Stdout, r) } type UserArgs struct { regionAZ string InstanceType string Region string AvailabilityZone string RoleARN string User string AccountNumber int64 BootstrapSecret string } func parseArgs() (*UserArgs, error) { a := &UserArgs{} flag.StringVar(&a.regionAZ, "region", "us-west-2a", "region and availability zone") flag.StringVar(&a.InstanceType, "instance", "t2.micro", "instance type") flag.StringVar(&a.RoleARN, "arn", "", "ARN of role to assume") flag.StringVar(&a.User, "user", "nobody", "run-as user after port binding") flag.StringVar(&a.BootstrapSecret, "secret", "", "bootstrap signing secret") flag.Parse() _, err := user.Lookup(a.User) if err != nil { return nil, err } region, az, err := parseRegionAZ(a.regionAZ) if err != nil { return nil, err } a.Region = region a.AvailabilityZone = az act, err := parseAccountFromARN(a.RoleARN) if err != nil { return nil, err } a.AccountNumber = act if a.BootstrapSecret == "" { return nil, errors.New("Bootstrap secret must be set") } return a, nil } func initialBootstrap(file FileLike, handler CredentialHandler) { bd, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Printf("Error reading bootstrap file: %s", err.Error()) return } var cred bootstrapInput err = json.Unmarshal(bd, &cred) if err != nil { jww.ERROR.Printf("Error decoding bootstrap JSON: %s", err) return } creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(cred.AccessKeyId, cred.SecretAccessKey, cred.Token) handler.SetBootstrapCredential(creds) } func main() { jww.SetStdoutThreshold(jww.LevelInfo) args, err := parseArgs() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return } // Bind this port first because it requires privilges then drop the // privileges before we do anything else metalistener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "") if err != nil { jww.FATAL.Printf("Error setting up listener: %s", err.Error()) return } // Open this before dropping privileges because only root can update the // file but the service may need to update it at some future point if a new // credential is provided. credfile, err := os.OpenFile(METADATA_FILE, os.O_RDWR, 0600) if err != nil { jww.FATAL.Printf("Unable to open bootstrap credential file") return } defer credfile.Close() if err := drop.DropPrivileges(args.User); err != nil { jww.FATAL.Printf("Unable to drop privileges") return } iface, err := getInterfaceContext() if err != nil { jww.FATAL.Printf("Error getting network interface info: %s", err) return } credHandler := NewCredentialHandler( &args.Region, &args.RoleARN, iface.PrimaryHostname, ) ctx := &appContext{ PrivateIP: iface.PrimaryIP, Region: &args.Region, MacAddr: iface.MacAddr, AvailabilityZone: &args.AvailabilityZone, Hostname: iface.PrimaryHostname, InstanceId: generateInstanceId(iface.PrimaryHostname), InstanceType: &args.InstanceType, AccountId: &args.AccountNumber, ReservationId: generatePlausibleId("r"), ImageId: generatePlausibleId("ami"), InstanceProfileId: generatePlausibleProfileId(), RoleARN: &args.RoleARN, BootstrapSecret: &args.BootstrapSecret, CredentialHandler: credHandler, CredentialFile: credfile, } initialBootstrap(credfile, credHandler) go credHandler.Start() go http.ListenAndServe(":8000", buildAdminHandler(ctx)) ListenAndServeRaw(metalistener, buildMetadataHandler(ctx, DEFAULT_VALUES)) }