from datetime import datetime from collections import namedtuple from ..py2compat import with_metaclass class Field(namedtuple("Field", ["field", "default", "formatter", "model"])): """Model Field Model fields represent JSON key/value pairs. When added to a PandoraModel the describe the unpacking logic for the API JSON and will be replaced at runtime with the values from the parsed JSON or their defaults. field name of the field from the incoming JSON default default value if key does not exist in the incoming JSON, None if not provided formatter formatter function accepting an API client and the value of the field as arguments, will be called on the value of the data for the field key in the incoming JSON. The return value of this function is used as the value of the field on the model object. model the model class that the value of this field should be constructed into the model construction logic will handle building a list or single model based on the type of data in the JSON """ def __new__(cls, field, default=None, formatter=None, model=None): return super(Field, cls).__new__(cls, field, default, formatter, model) class SyntheticField(namedtuple("SyntheticField", ["field"])): """Field Requiring Synthesis Synthetic fields may exist in the data but generally do not and require additional synthesis to arrive ate a sane value. Subclasses must define a formatter method that receives an API client, field name, and full data payload. """ def formatter(self, api_client, data, newval): # pragma: no cover """Format Value for Model The return value of this method is used as a value for the field in the model of which this field is a member api_client instance of a Pandora API client data complete JSON data blob for the parent model of which this field is a member newval the value of this field as retrieved from the JSON data after having resolved default value logic """ raise NotImplementedError class DateField(SyntheticField): """Date Field Handles a JSON map that contains a time field which is the timestamp with nanosecond precision. """ def formatter(self, api_client, data, value): if not value: return None return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(value["time"] / 1000) class ModelMetaClass(type): def __new__(cls, name, parents, dct): dct["_fields"] = fields = {} new_dct = dct.copy() for key, val in dct.items(): if key.startswith("__"): continue if isinstance(val, Field) or isinstance(val, SyntheticField): fields[key] = val del new_dct[key] return super(ModelMetaClass, cls).__new__(cls, name, parents, new_dct) class PandoraModel(with_metaclass(ModelMetaClass, object)): """Pandora API Model A single object representing a Pandora data object. Subclasses are specified declaratively and contain Field objects as well as optionally other methods. The end result object after loading from JSON will be a normal python object with all fields declared in the schema populated and consumers of these instances can ignore all of the details of this class. """ @classmethod def from_json_list(cls, api_client, data): """Convert a list of JSON values to a list of models """ return [cls.from_json(api_client, item) for item in data] def __init__(self, api_client): self._api_client = api_client safe_types = (type(None), str, bytes, int, bool) for key, value in self._fields.items(): default = getattr(value, "default", None) if not isinstance(default, safe_types): default = type(default)() setattr(self, key, default) @staticmethod def populate_fields(api_client, instance, data): """Populate all fields of a model with data Given a model with a PandoraModel superclass will enumerate all declared fields on that model and populate the values of their Field and SyntheticField classes. All declared fields will have a value after this function runs even if they are missing from the incoming JSON. """ for key, value in instance.__class__._fields.items(): default = getattr(value, "default", None) newval = data.get(value.field, default) if isinstance(value, SyntheticField): newval = value.formatter(api_client, data, newval) setattr(instance, key, newval) continue model_class = getattr(value, "model", None) if newval and model_class: if isinstance(newval, list): newval = model_class.from_json_list(api_client, newval) else: newval = model_class.from_json(api_client, newval) if newval and value.formatter: newval = value.formatter(api_client, newval) setattr(instance, key, newval) @classmethod def from_json(cls, api_client, data): """Convert one JSON value to a model object """ self = cls(api_client) PandoraModel.populate_fields(api_client, self, data) return self def _base_repr(self, and_also=None): """Common repr logic for subclasses to hook """ items = [ "=".join((key, repr(getattr(self, key)))) for key in sorted(self._fields.keys())] if items: output = ", ".join(items) else: output = None if and_also: return "{}({}, {})".format(self.__class__.__name__, output, and_also) else: return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, output) def __repr__(self): return self._base_repr() class PandoraListModel(PandoraModel, list): """Dict-like List of Pandora Models Processes a JSON map, expecting a key that contains a list of maps. Will process each item in the list, creating models for each one and a secondary index based on the value in each item. This object behaves like a list and like a dict. Example JSON: { "__list_key__": [ { "__index_key__": "key", "other": "fields" }, { "__index_key__": "key", "other": "fields" } ], "other": "fields" } __list_key__ they key within the parent map containing a list __list_model__ model class to use when constructing models for list contents __index_key__ key from each object in the model list that will be used as an index within this object """ __list_key__ = None __list_model__ = None __index_key__ = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PandoraListModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._index = {} @classmethod def from_json(cls, api_client, data): self = cls(api_client) PandoraModel.populate_fields(api_client, self, data) for item in data[cls.__list_key__]: model = cls.__list_model__.from_json(api_client, item) if self.__index_key__: value = getattr(model, self.__index_key__) self._index[value] = model self.append(model) return self def __getitem__(self, key): item = self._index.get(key, None) if item: return item else: return list.__getitem__(self, key) def __contains__(self, key): if key in self._index: return True else: return list.__contains__(self, key) def keys(self): return self._index.keys() def items(self): return self._index.items() def __repr__(self): return self._base_repr(and_also=list.__repr__(self)) class PandoraDictListModel(PandoraModel, dict): """Dict of Models Processes a JSON map, expecting a key that contains a list of maps, each of which contain a key and a list of values which are the final models. Will process each item in the list, creating models for each one and storing the constructed models in a map indexed by the dict key. Duplicated sub-maps will be merged into one key for this model. Example JSON: { "__dict_list_key__": [ { "__dict_key__": "key for this model", "__list_key__": [ { "model": "fields" }, { "model": "fields" } ] } ], "other": "fields" } __dict_list_key__ the key within the parent map that contains the maps that contain lists of models __dict_key__ the key within the nested map that contains the key for this object __list_key__ they key within the nested map that contains the list of models __list_model__ model class to use when constructing models for list contents """ __dict_list_key__ = None __dict_key__ = None __list_key__ = None __list_model__ = None @classmethod def from_json(cls, api_client, data): self = cls(api_client) PandoraModel.populate_fields(api_client, self, data) for item in data[self.__dict_list_key__]: key = item[self.__dict_key__] self[key] = [] for part in item[self.__list_key__]: self[key].append( cls.__list_model__.from_json(api_client, part)) return self def __repr__(self): return self._base_repr(and_also=dict.__repr__(self))