import os import time import fcntl import select import socket from pandora.py2compat import which from .utils import iterate_forever, SilentPopen class PlayerException(Exception): """Base class for all player exceptions """ pass class UnsupportedEncoding(PlayerException): """Song encoding is not supported by player backend """ pass class PlayerUnusable(PlayerException): """Player can not be used on this system """ pass class BasePlayer(object): """Audio Backend Process Manager Starts and owns a handle to an audio backend process then feeds commands to it to play pandora audio. This class provides all the base functionality for managing the process and feeding it input but should be subclassed to fill in the rest of the interface that is specific to a backend. Consumers should call start before using the class to pre-start the command and decrease response latency when the first play command is sent. """ def __init__(self, callbacks, control_channel): """Constructor Will attempt to find the player binary on construction and fail if it is not found. Subclasses should append any additional arguments to _cmd. """ self._control_channel = control_channel self._control_fd = control_channel.fileno() self._callbacks = callbacks self._process = None self._cmd = [self._find_path()] def _find_path(self): """Find the path to the backend binary This method may fail with a PlayerUnusable exception in which case the consumer should opt for another backend. """ raise NotImplementedError def _load_track(self, song): """Load a track into the audio backend by song model """ raise NotImplementedError def _player_stopped(self, value): """Determine if player has stopped """ raise NotImplementedError def raise_volume(self): """Raise the volume of the audio output The player backend may not support this functionality in which case it should not override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError def lower_volume(self): """Lower the volume of the audio output The player backend may not support this functionality in which case it should not override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError def _post_start(self): """Optionally, do something after the audio backend is started """ return def _loop_hook(self): """Optionally, do something each main loop iteration """ return def _read_from_process(self, handle): """Read a line from the process and clean it Different audio backends return text in different formats so provides a hook for each subclass to customize reader behaviour. """ return handle.readline().strip() def _send_cmd(self, cmd): """Write command to remote process """ self._process.stdin.write("{}\n".format(cmd).encode("utf-8")) self._process.stdin.flush() def stop(self): """Stop the currently playing song """ self._send_cmd("stop") def pause(self): """Pause the player """ self._send_cmd("pause") def __del__(self): if self._process: self._process.kill() def start(self): """Start the audio backend process for the player This is just a friendlier API for consumers """ self._ensure_started() def _ensure_started(self): """Ensure player backing process is started """ if self._process and self._process.poll() is None: return if not getattr(self, "_cmd"): raise RuntimeError("Player command is not configured") self._process = SilentPopen(self._cmd) self._post_start() def _get_select_readers(self): """Return a list of file-like objects for reading Will be passed to select() to poll for readers. """ return [self._control_channel, self._process.stdout] def play(self, song): """Play a new song from a Pandora model Returns once the stream starts but does not shut down the remote audio output backend process. Calls the input callback when the user has input. """ self._load_track(song) time.sleep(2) # Give the backend time to load the track while True: try: self._callbacks.pre_poll() self._ensure_started() self._loop_hook() readers, _, _ = self._get_select_readers(), [], [], 1) for handle in readers: if handle.fileno() == self._control_fd: self._callbacks.input(handle.readline().strip(), song) else: value = self._read_from_process(handle) if self._player_stopped(value): return finally: self._callbacks.post_poll() def end_station(self): """Stop playing the station """ raise StopIteration def play_station(self, station): """Play the station until something ends it This function will run forever until termintated by calling end_station. """ for song in iterate_forever(station.get_playlist): try: except StopIteration: self.stop() return class MPG123Player(BasePlayer): """Player Backend Using mpg123 """ def __init__(self, callbacks, control_channel): super(MPG123Player, self).__init__(callbacks, control_channel) self._cmd.extend(["-q", "-R", "--ignore-mime", "."]) def _find_path(self): loc = which("mpg123") if not loc: raise PlayerUnusable("Unable to find mpg123") return loc def _load_track(self, song): if song.encoding != "mp3": raise UnsupportedEncoding("mpg123 only supports mp3 files") self._send_cmd("load {}".format(song.audio_url)) def _post_start(self): # Only output play status in the player stdout self._send_cmd("silence") def _player_stopped(self, value): return value.startswith(b"@P") and value.decode("utf-8")[3] == "0" class VLCPlayer(BasePlayer): POLL_INTERVAL = 3 CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 VOL_STEPS = 5 def __init__(self, callbacks, control_channel): super(VLCPlayer, self).__init__(callbacks, control_channel) self._cmd.extend(["-I", "rc", "--advanced", "--rc-fake-tty", "-q"]) self._last_poll = 0 def _find_path(self): loc = which("vlc") if not loc: # Mac OS X loc = which("VLC", path="/Applications/") if not loc: raise PlayerUnusable("Unable to find VLC") return loc def raise_volume(self): self._send_cmd("volup {}".format(self.VOL_STEPS)) def lower_volume(self): self._send_cmd("voldown {}".format(self.VOL_STEPS)) def _post_start(self): """Set stdout to non-blocking VLC does not always return a newline when reading status so in order to be lazy and still use the read API without caring about how much output there is we switch stdout to nonblocking mode and just read a large chunk of datin order to be lazy and still use the read API without caring about how much output there is we switch stdout to nonblocking mode and just read a large chunk of data. """ flags = fcntl.fcntl(self._process.stdout, fcntl.F_GETFL) fcntl.fcntl(self._process.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags | os.O_NONBLOCK) def _read_from_process(self, handle): return def _load_track(self, song): self._send_cmd("add {}".format(song.audio_url)) def _player_stopped(self, value): return "state stopped" in value.decode("utf-8") def _loop_hook(self): if (time.time() - self._last_poll) >= self.POLL_INTERVAL: self._send_cmd("status") self._last_poll = time.time() class RemoteVLC(VLCPlayer): def __init__(self, host, port, callbacks, control_channel): self._connect_to = (host, int(port)) self._control_sock = None super(RemoteVLC, self).__init__(callbacks, control_channel) def _get_select_readers(self): return [self._control_channel, self._control_sock] def _send_cmd(self, cmd): self._control_sock.sendall("{}\n".format(cmd).encode("utf-8")) def _read_from_process(self, handle): return handle.recv(self.CHUNK_SIZE).strip() def _ensure_started(self): if not self._control_sock: self._control_sock = socket.create_connection(self._connect_to) self._control_sock.setblocking(False) def _find_path(self): try: self._ensure_started() except socket.error: raise PlayerUnusable("Unable to connect to VLC") def _post_start(self): # This is a NOOP for network VLC pass