import os import re import sys import requests from configparser import ConfigParser from pandora.client import APIClient from pandora.clientbuilder import PydoraConfigFileBuilder from .utils import Screen, Colors class Umask: """Set/Restore Umask Context Manager """ def __init__(self, umask): self.umask = umask self.old_umask = None def __enter__(self): self.old_umask = os.umask(self.umask) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): os.umask(self.old_umask) class PandoraKeysConfigParser: """Parser for Pandora Keys Source Page This is an extremely naive restructured text parser designed only to parse the pandora API docs keys source file. """ KEYS_URL = ( "" ) FIELD_RE = re.compile( ":(?P[^:]+): (?:`{2})?(?P[^`\n]+)(?:`{2})?$" ) def _fixup_key(self, key): key = key.lower() if key.startswith("dec") and "password" in key: return "decryption_key" elif key.startswith("encrypt"): return "encryption_key" elif key == "deviceid": return "device" else: return key def _format_api_host(self, host): return "{}/services/json/".format(host) def _clean_device_name(self, name): return re.sub("[^a-z]+", "_", name, flags=re.I) def _fetch_config(self): return requests.get(self.KEYS_URL).text.split("\n") def _match_key(self, line): key_match = self.FIELD_RE.match(line) if key_match: match = key_match.groupdict() match["key"] = self._fixup_key(match["key"]) return match else: return None def _is_host_terminator(self, line): return line.startswith("--") def _is_device_terminator(self, line): return line.startswith("^^") def load(self): buffer = [] current_partner = {} api_host = None partners = {} for line in self._fetch_config(): key_match = self._match_key(line) if key_match: current_partner[key_match["key"]] = key_match["value"] elif self._is_host_terminator(line): api_host = buffer.pop() elif self._is_device_terminator(line): key = self._clean_device_name(buffer.pop()) current_partner = partners[key] = { "api_host": self._format_api_host(api_host) } buffer.append(line.strip().lower()) return partners class Configurator: """Interactive Configuration Builder Allows a user to configure pydora interactively. Ultimately writes the pydora config file. """ def __init__(self): self.builder = PydoraConfigFileBuilder() self.cfg = ConfigParser() self.screen = Screen() if self.builder.file_exists: self.read_config() else: self.cfg.add_section("user") self.cfg.add_section("api") def fail(self, message): print(self.screen.print_error(message)) sys.exit(1) def finished(self, message): self.screen.print_success(message) sys.exit(0) def print_message(self, message): print(Colors.cyan(message)) def get_partner_config(self): try: return PandoraKeysConfigParser().load()["android"] except Exception:"Error loading config file. Unable to continue.") def get_value(self, section, key, prompt): self.cfg.set(section, key, self.screen.get_string(prompt)) def get_password(self, section, key, prompt): self.cfg.set(section, key, self.screen.get_password(prompt)) def set_static_value(self, section, key, value): self.cfg.set(section, key, value) def add_partner_config(self, config): for key, value in config.items(): self.cfg.set("api", key, value) def read_config(self): with open(self.builder.path) as file: self.cfg.read_file(file) def write_config(self): with Umask(0o077), open(self.builder.path, "w") as file: self.cfg.write(file) def configure(self): if self.builder.file_exists: self.print_message("You already have a pydora config.") self.add_partner_config(self.get_partner_config()) self.write_config() self.finished("Freshened your API keys!") self.print_message("Welcome to Pydora, let's configure a few things") self.add_partner_config(self.get_partner_config()) self.get_value("user", "username", "Pandora Username: ") self.get_password("user", "password", "Pandora Password: ") self.set_static_value( "api", "default_audio_quality", APIClient.HIGH_AUDIO_QUALITY ) self.write_config() def main(): Configurator().configure()