import json import copy import struct import binascii from Crypto.Cipher import AES from cStringIO import StringIO class BinaryDataStream(object): """Directional binary data stream Reads and writes binary data from any stream-like object. This object is not bi-directional. Does no interpertation just unpacking and packing. """ def __init__(self, data): = data @classmethod def for_output(cls): return cls(StringIO()) def read_int(self): return struct.unpack(">i",[0] def read_short(self): return struct.unpack(">h",[0] def read_string(self, length): return def write_int(self, data):">i", data)) def write_short(self, data):">h", data)) def write_string(self, data): def get_output(self): return class Cryptor(object): """AES encryption strategy Handles AES crypto by wrapping pycrypto. Does padding and un-padding as well as key conversions when needed. """ def __init__(self, key, iv): self.iv = iv self.key = key self.cipher ="hex"), AES.MODE_CBC, iv) @staticmethod def unpad(s): return s[0:-ord(s[-1])] @staticmethod def pad(s, BS=16): return s + (BS - len(s) % BS) * chr(BS - len(s) % BS) def decrypt(self, payload): return self.unpad(self.cipher.decrypt(payload)) def encrypt(self, payload): return self.cipher.encrypt(self.pad(payload)) class InformPacket(object): """Inform model object Holds basic, parsed, inform packet data. Does some interpertation for fields like flags. Can be passed to and from the serialiser. This class only fully supports version 1 of the inform data protocol. Version 0 payload parsing is not supported. """ ENCRYPTED_FLAG = 0x1 COMPRESSED_FLAG = 0x2 def __init__(self): self.magic_number = None self.version = None self.mac_addr = None self.flags = None self.iv = None self.data_version = None self.data_length = None self.raw_payload = None self._used_key = None def response_copy(self): """Copy object for use in response Generates a deep copy of the object and removes the payload so that it can be used to respond to the station that send this inform request. """ new_obj = copy.deepcopy(self) new_obj.raw_payload = None return new_obj @staticmethod def _format_mac_addr(mac_bytes): return ":".join([binascii.hexlify(i) for i in mac_bytes]) def _has_flag(self, flag): return self.flags & flag != 0 @property def formatted_mac_addr(self): return self._format_mac_addr(self.mac_addr) @property def is_encrypted(self): return self._has_flag(self.ENCRYPTED_FLAG) @property def is_compressed(self): return self._has_flag(self.COMPRESSED_FLAG) @property def payload(self): if self.data_version == 1: return json.loads(self.raw_payload.decode("latin-1")) else: return self.raw_payload @payload.setter def payload(self, value): self.raw_payload = json.dumps(value) class InformSerializer(object): """Inform protocol version 1 parser/serializer Handles the parsing of the inform binary protocol to python objects and seralization of python objects to inform binary protocol. Handles cryptography and data formats. Compatible only with version 1 of the data format. """ MASTER_KEY = "ba86f2bbe107c7c57eb5f2690775c712" PROTOCOL_MAGIC = 1414414933 MAX_VERSION = 1 def __init__(self, key=None, key_bag=None): self.key = key self.key_bag = key_bag or {} def _decrypt_payload(self, packet): i = 0 key = self.key_bag.get(packet.formatted_mac_addr) for key in (key, self.key, self.MASTER_KEY): if key is None: continue decrypted = Cryptor(key, packet.iv).decrypt(packet.raw_payload) json.loads(decrypted.decode("latin-1")) packet.raw_payload = decrypted packet._used_key = key break def parse(self, input): input_stream = BinaryDataStream(input) packet = InformPacket() packet.magic_number = input_stream.read_int() assert packet.magic_number == self.PROTOCOL_MAGIC packet.version = input_stream.read_int() assert packet.version < self.MAX_VERSION packet.mac_addr = input_stream.read_string(6) packet.flags = input_stream.read_short() packet.iv = input_stream.read_string(16) packet.data_version = input_stream.read_int() packet.data_length = input_stream.read_int() packet.raw_payload = input_stream.read_string(packet.data_length) if packet.is_encrypted: self._decrypt_payload(packet) return packet def _encrypt_payload(self, packet): if packet.data_version != 1: raise ValueError("Can no encrypt contents of pre 1.0 packets") key = packet._used_key if packet._used_key else self.MASTER_KEY return Cryptor(key, packet.iv).encrypt(json.dumps(packet.payload)) def serialize(self, packet): output = BinaryDataStream.for_output() output.write_int(packet.magic_number) output.write_int(packet.version) output.write_string(packet.mac_addr) output.write_short(packet.flags) output.write_string(packet.iv) output.write_int(packet.data_version) output.write_int(packet.data_length) output.write_string(self._encrypt_payload(packet)) return output.get_output()