Vim source archives

If you want to join in and help developing Vim, you may want to get all the original files. These are also used to compile Vim for systems not mentioned on the download page. You need to get the archives mentioned below.

The preferred way is to use Mercurial. You can easily get the latest version with all the patches, or go back to an older version if you need to.

CVS and Subversion only contain versions before 7.3.

All files   vim-##.tar.bz2    vim-7.3.tar.bz2
The source and runtime files together in one big bzip2 compressed archive. Only for Vim 6.0 and later. You can find it in this directory. Before 7.3 this excludes the extra and lang files.
For Vim 7.2 and earlier (For 7.3 and later these are included in the "All" archive):
Extra files   vim-##-extra.tar.gz    vim-7.2-extra.tar.gz
The extra archive. This contains source and runtime files that are not used on Unix. You can find them here.
Translations   vim-##-lang.tar.gz    vim-7.2-lang.tar.gz
This contains translated messages and menu files. Only for Vim 6 and 7, you can find it here.
For Vim 6.x you can get the sources and runtime files separately in chunks that fit on a floppy disk (if you still have them).
Sources   vim-##-src.tar.gz    vim-6.4-src1.tar.gz    vim-6.4-src2.tar.gz
The Unix source files. You can find them here. For Vim 6 there are two parts. Not for Vim 7.
Runtime files   vim-##-rt.tar.gz    vim-6.4-rt1.tar.gz    vim-6.4-rt2.tar.gz
The Unix runtime files. You can find them here. For Vim 6 there are two parts. Not for Vim 7.