path: root/Makefile
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Fix and simplify checkmetrics make target (#1731)Tobias Schmidt2020-06-02
* Added s390x support for docker image (#1539)vitt-bagal2020-01-27
* Add fixture update helper (#1551)Ben Kochie2019-11-23
* Docker images for ARM32v7, ARM64v8 and ppc64le (#1207)Johannes Würbach2019-04-15
* Update Makefile.common (#1288)Simon Pasquier2019-03-25
* Fixed capitalization of linux in Makefile (#1252)James Hartig2019-02-04
* cleanup makefile (#1232)Paul Gier2019-01-23
* Do not use .PHONY for $(PROMTOOL) (#1216)Mateusz Piotrowski2019-01-10
* Convert to Go modules (#1178)Ben Kochie2018-11-30
* Makefile: add target for checking Prometheus rules (#1126)Kazumasa Kohtaka2018-10-30
* Fix promu config (#1119)v0.17.0-rc.0Ben Kochie2018-10-20
* Update build (#1081)Ben Kochie2018-09-25
* Fix docker build (#1016)Ben Kochie2018-07-23
* Update build (#1010)Ben Kochie2018-07-23
* Add Makefile.common (#940)Ivan Voronchihin2018-05-24
* A couple of ARM64-related fixes (#934)Alexey Kopytov2018-05-14
* Merge pull request #894 from prometheus/superq/ttar_cleanupBen Kochie2018-04-14
| * Cleanup sys fixtures before unpackingBen Kochie2018-04-11
* | Fix code style check in "all" make targetTobias Schmidt2018-04-10
* Remove -race test flag to build on OpenBSD (#883)Zach Leslie2018-04-06
* Convert circleci config to 2.0. (#844)Ben Kochie2018-03-08
* On SunOS/ solaris/ SmartOS the go test flag of -rance isn't supported. (#762)Dan Fredell2018-02-28
* Remove deprecated prometheus.InstrumentHandlerFunc (#831)Ben Kochie2018-02-19
* Makefile: add checkmetrics target, use in CI (#797)Matt Layher2018-02-13
* Add `collect[]` parameter (#699)Siavash Safi2017-10-14
* Only enable race detector when GOHOSTARCH is amd64.Derek Marcotte2017-10-03
* Only cross-test 32bit on Linux (#658)Matthias Rampke2017-08-24
* Automatically cross-test 32bit based on GOARCHMatthias Rampke2017-08-21
* Add dockerfile for ppc64le (#638)Hemant Kumar2017-08-17
* [test] Call cmd.Start and cmd.Wait separately to avoid triggering race detect...Jerome Froelich2017-07-08
* Add bcache collector (#597)ideaship2017-07-07
* test docker image before pushingGiancarlo Rubio2017-04-12
* Merge pull request #531 from prometheus/grobie/update-promu-by-defaultJohannes 'fish' Ziemke2017-03-23
| * Download promu and staticcheck every time by defaultTobias Schmidt2017-03-22
* | Use go env to fetch GOPATH to support Go 1.8Pontus Leitzler2017-03-22
* Don't declare real dependencies as phony targetsTobias Schmidt2017-03-04
* Run staticcheck from Makefile, remove duplicate end-to-end test call in CIMatt Layher2017-03-02
* disable end-to-end tests for non Linux OSes in MakefileBirger Schmidt2017-02-28
* Fix Makefile by using first element of GOPATHJohannes 'fish' Ziemke2016-12-29
* Allow overrides for GO and PROMUChristian Svensson2016-12-22
* Add end-to-end tests as default Makefile targetJohannes 'fish' Ziemke2016-12-21
* New release process using docker, circleci and a centralizedSteve Durrheimer2016-04-28
* And one more, because I don't know how to version.0.12.0rc3Matthias Rampke2016-02-04
* Release 0.12.0rc2.Matthias Rampke2016-02-04
* Add build_info metric similar to the one of Prometheus itselfDaniel Bechler2016-01-06
* Release 0.12.0rc10.12.0rc1Tobias Schmidt2015-10-06
* Changed Go version to 1.5.1Eric Ripa2015-08-29
* Cut version 0.11.0Ian Hansen2015-07-27
* Cut version 0.10.0.Julius Volz2015-06-10
* Cut release 0.9.0Matthias Rampke2015-05-24